The table below sets out deals provided by our sponsors, that benefit both you as a TDCC member, and the club.
Sponsor NameDescriptionMember BenefitTDCC BenefitConditions / Site link
Barfoot ThompsonBuy or Sell a property via BT North Shore branches
$500Mention TDCC
Cricket Express

Cricket equipment purchased via either store

DiscountRebate on purchasesMention TDCC
Suss and GraceHome Staging
5% rebate of purchase priceMention TDCC
Furniture Sales

Pricing better than retail

5% rebate of purchase price
Samsung TV / AV25% off RRP + free home delivery5% rebate of purchase price
Samsung Home Appliances25% off RRP + free home delivery5% rebate of purchase price

Purchase Rewarewa honey via website

Free delivery on purchase of 2+ products$5 / jarPut TDCC in notes or delivery details at checkout

To become a sponsor, please contact